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Welcome summers with a glowing skin!

Pamper your skin regularly, so that it remains fresh and supple. Summers add and take quite a lot from your skin. You must change your beauty regime once the winters get over, as the parched skin is no longer a problem now and there would be no need for the heavy lotions. You must change your body lotion, moisturizer and shower gel, once the summer season hits the calendar.
Summers are more dry and harsh; they tend to hurt your skin more than winters. You must use the seasonal fruits to make facial masks and apply them.
  • Mango pulp is great to cure acne
  • Grapes and litchees are good to use on wrinkles around the eyes and mouth
  •  Papaya pulp is useful on blackheads and blotchy skin
  •  Cucumber is extremely cooling and improves the dull skin
  •  Watermelon juice acts as a toner on the skin, making it fresh and healthy
You must drink lot water in summers. It helps you to hydrate your body and clear out your blood by taking out toxins from it. You should wash your face thrice a day in summers. It takes away all the dirt and keeps your skin fresh and clean. Whenever you go out in the sun you must apply a sunscreen lotion to your face. Also, apply sun block lotion of SPF 30+ on your visible body parts to avoid tanning.
Skin products in India, are available in big quantity. It’s been seen that much of the female population has realized the importance of skin and its products, of late. You can try products of Lotus Herbals, Neutrogena and many other brands primarily dealing with skin products in India.

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